5 Tips for Curvy Healthy Athletes

Hey Curvy Fit Sis!

I see you out here doing ya thang! I slaute you. I also want to share 5 tips for with you to sustain yourself curvy healthy athlete status. These tips are useful to you if you are in the process of becoming a curvy healthy athlete. The important key to this curvy fit lifestyle is discipline, consistency and confidence. Let’s get into these tips.

  1. Get ample Sleep

    1. Sleep is the Foundation of fitness

    2. It allows you to perform

    3. It helps your body recover

    If you ignore all that I’ve written, seal this one in. Sleep is the #1 thing you can do for your body. THEE #1 thing to help you thrive as an athlete.

  2. Nutrition

    1. Drink a sufficient amoutn of water to stay hydrated

    2. Eat an adequate amount of food that meets your needs especially depending upon how active you are. Listen to your body.

    3. Do NOT skip meals

    I can’t stress enough how you have got to eat and drink an adequate supply in order to meet the demands of being an athlete. Do not be afraid to give your body what it is asking for. Remember it knows what it needs to achieve the level of fitness you desire. Your body will utilize what you put in to give you the best results.

  3. Embrace your Curvy Body

    1. Accept your body for what it is

    2. Appreciate your curves and what you can do. Know that your curves do not limit your fitness capacity.

    3. Accentuate the best parts of your body.-What I love about fitness is that it will make the best parts of you look even better. Your butt and hips will still stand out but Girl they will be lean, fit and solid!! Bay-bay it will take your figure to absolute FIRE!

  4. Diversify Training

    1. Stay challenged

      • Change up the routine- A good way to do this is by participating in trainings hosted by Curvy Fit Chicks like our upcoming beach workout. Get info here.

      • Take on a new sport like boxing

      • Train for a triathlon, marathon or obstacle course( Our favorite is the Brutal Fitness Challenge)

    2. Workout on different surfaces such as the water, sand, or grass

    3. Incorporate fun nostalgic activities such as jump roping, hula hooping, roller skating or kickball

  5. Right People

    1. Being a part of the Curvy Fit Chicks community affords you the opportunity to be with like minded athletes

    2. Continually be challenged with the right people because “iron sharpens iron”- You need to be pushed out of your comfort zone to get to your place of greatness.

    3. Build your confidence-The right circle of people who are achieving their fitness goals will keep you inspired to not only set them, but successfully complete them.

These tips will help you navigate and definitely be on the path to curvy fitness success. However, if you need more of a customized plan or just need some questions answered, it’s time to schedule a consult with the Curvy Fit RN so you can have clarity,
